Performing machining, milling and cutting operations by robot reduces risks related to the health and safety of workers. These tasks are performed in a robotic cell, which results in a cleaner work environment as well. The consistency and precision of the robot provide superior quality cuts.
Ultrasonic blade cutting uses a high-frequency vibrating a blade to cut through material. The main benefits of this process are the reduced downtimes for knife cleaning, its energy efficiency, and its silent application.
Milling is a machining process using the rotation of a cutting tool moving through a workpiece to remove some material in the form of chips. This cutting option is preferred with stiff material and usually requires a larger robot due to the force required to hold the part. The robot can either move the part around the rotating tool, or move the tool around the part.

A robotic end-of-arm tooling enables tasks to be performed efficiently and without endangering the user’s safety. This is particularly true when the process requires the repetitive use of dangerous tools.

Health and Safety

Maintenance Cost Reduction

Waste Management